Ground of Aces Scripting API
Send Mission Event



mission_entity_id Entity ID of the mission currently accessing the mission script


Event handler is called periodically at a rate of event_count / mission_duration where event_count defined by get_mission_event_count and mission_duration defined by getMissionCompletionTime. The send_mission_event event handler is intended for relaying information on how the mission is being carried out, change the outcome of the mission, or even influence the crew morale present in the airbase.

def get_mission_events_count(mission_entity_id):
return 5
def send_mission_event(mission_entity_id):
# Get number of events already sent
events_sent_count = missions_api.GetNumberOfEventsSent(mission_entity_id)
# Prepare localized term based on events already sent
if events_sent_count == 0:
localization.SetTerm("en", "mission_event", "mission started")
elif events_sent_count == 1:
localization.SetTerm("en", "mission_event", "airplane formation reaching target")
elif events_sent_count == 2:
localization.SetTerm("en", "mission_event", "airplane formation")
elif events_sent_count == 3:
localization.SetTerm("en", "mission_event", "airplane formation returning")
elif events_sent_count == 4:
localization.SetTerm("en", "mission_event", "airplane formation gonna land")
# Send out event log